General Cosimo Ciriaco Allistro Character in Therm | World Anvil
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General Cosimo Ciriaco Allistro

Cosimo Ciriaco Allistro

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Cosimo Ciriaco Allistro was born into a wealthy and politically powerful military family. The Allistro's can trace their ancestry to the Polis wars over a thousand years ago. Their family members have served as senators, in the Praetoro Guard, an ancient order of elite soldiers of the Sapporo Army, and one ancestor was briefly emperor. His father Alfisimo Allistro and grand father Brut Allistro were both generals in the Sapporo Army and told Cosimo many stories of their own and their ancestors battles. Cosimo Allistro grew a fascination with history at a young age. Throughout his adolescence he would pour over history books (almost exclusively military or political history). With the exception of private school, Cosimo rarely left his family's mansion and he made few friends. Most of the children his age saw him as a weird bookworm.   Cosimo was enrolled in a private military prep academy at 10.   After graduating the academy Cosimo Allistro (18) joined the Sapporo Army and went straight to Brutus Scogliera Army Officer Academy.   After graduating Brutus Scogliera Cosimo Allistro (22) was promoted to 1st Lieutenant, given a platoon, and sent to the 14th Army Group occupying west Yago. At this time the deserts of West Yago was the hot bed for insurgent activity, and Lt. Allistro specifically requested the assignment to see action. Allistro first two patrols were uneventful. On his fourth patrol Allistro's vehicle hit a land mine, his platoon fought their way out and brought Allistro to an army hospital. Allistro's left leg suffered nerve damage and he was transfered to a veterans hospital in Sapporo for recovery. Allistro never fully recovered and would have a limp in his leg for the rest of his life. His father Alfisimo Allistro pulled some strings and got Cosimo Allistro reassigned to a desk job in Sappo even after Cosimo asked to return to his unit.


Military Prep Academy, Brutus Scogliera Army Officer Academy
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
1547 PU 53 Years old
Short Brown
Aligned Organization

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