The United Kingdoms of Kurag Organization in Therm | World Anvil
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The United Kingdoms of Kurag


There are 10 Great Houses that each rule over a province on Kurag Altis. When a High King's term ends the 10 Houses put forward a single nominee for the new High King. After a series of primaries and competitions 3 nominees remain and an election is held. Each of the 10 Houses cast one vote. Whom ever wins the election serves for life and as an adsolute monarchy. The King can abdicate the throne at anytime and the election process begins again.

Agriculture & Industry

The central and southern regions of Kurag are mostly flat and very fertile but has a very shot growing season.
Founding Date
0 PU [Post Unity] After the Frist King United Kurag they started a new calendar.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy

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