Therm Polis Wars Timeline
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Polis Wars

  • 470 PU

    500 PU

    Polis Famine
    Disaster / Destruction

    Drought and record heat kills crops and famine spreads across the Polis states.

  • 478 PU

    485 PU

    Kencilia Peninsula Secession
    Political event

    The famine dragging into it's eighth year, territories on the Kencilia Peninsula revolt and breakoff from their Polis rulers. The first of these territories was Hamikar formerly of Tillerpolis. The weakened Polis states could not offer much resistance.

  • 482 PU

    Rise of Piracy
    Criminal Activity

    Not long after the secession of Kencilian territories crime syndicates rose to power. Most of these criminals include former merchants and fishermen and they took to the seas to raid Sapporo merchants carrying grain and Polis merchants carrying riches.

  • 485 PU

    Trade Embargo
    Diplomatic action

    Sapporo had been trading extra grain to the Polis states but rampant piracy is costing Sapporo. After repeated pleas for the Polis states to do something about it the Sapporo sentate votes to stop all trade with the Polis states.

  • 488 PU

    14 September

    Hipehold Conquered
    Military action

    The stronghold of Hipehold surrenders ending the Hipe Peninsula Campaign with a total Sapporo Victory. The Disouls of Sapporo begin planning a war with the Polis States.

  • 495 PU

    15 March

    Sapporo Invade Western Reaches
    Military action

    Sapporo Legions pour into Tillerpolis's northwest territories ransacking villages.

  • 495 PU

    5 May

    Polis Wars Begin!
    Military action

    The Sapporo Empire declares war on Tillerpolis landing on their west shores, after their troops crossed the western border and ransacked remote northwest villages.

  • 495 PU

    20 August
    496 PU

    30 November

    Seige of Tillerpolis
    Military action

    Sapporo Army and Navy lays siege to Tillerpolis.

  • 495 PU


    Sapporo Recruits Kencilian Pirates
    Diplomatic action

    Sapporo diplomats pay Kencilian Pirates to attack Polis ships instead of Sapporo merchants, or to sit out the upcoming wars.

  • 504 PU

    5 March

    Duopolis Joins Sapporo
    Diplomatic action

    In exchange for smashing a peasant up rising, Duopolis joins the Sapporo Empire.

  • 508 PU


    Battle of Vero Strait
    Military action

    Vero navy ambush Sapporo transports in the Vero Strait. Sapporo invasion force was smashed and few ships came back to tell the tale.

  • 512 PU

    3 March
    515 PU

    20 October

    Siege of Vero
    Military action

    Sapporo Army lands on the island of Knosys and the Navy blockades the city.

  • 515 PU

    20 October
    515 PU

    34 October

    The Burning of Vero
    Disaster / Destruction

    After a three year long siege Sapporo's armies finally break through the walls of Vero and spend the next two weeks pillaging the city until the last king of Vero comes out of hiding to formally surrender, ending the Polis wars and firmly handing control of the Marionas Sea to the Sapporo Empire.