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Klothys, God of Destiny

Believed to have sprung into existence during Theros's earliest days, Klothys is the god of destiny and, along with Kruphix, one of the plane's original deities. She oversees the order of the cosmos, ensuring that all things remain in their proper place, knowing how easily the cosmic balance could be undone if she were not vigilant. On the heels of a near-catastrophic upset of the cosmic order—the rise to godhood and subsequent defeat of the satyr Xenagos—Klothys has emerged from the Underworld for the first time in mortal memory to untangle the strands of destiny and set the world right. Klothys typically appears as a woman with six curling horns and an impossibly long mane of pale hair that cascades around her horns, drapes over her eyes, and spools into her spear-like weapon and the various other spindles she carries.   Beneath her outward calm, Klothys seethes at the way mortals and gods alike have pulled apart and rearranged the threads of destiny to feed their petty ambitions. Her peaceful mien falls away in the presence of such villains. In her rage, her red-glowing eyes come into view through the veil of her hair, and she wields burning strands of hair as a devastating weapon.   Klothys’s Influence Klothys is the embodiment and enforcer of destiny. Largely forgotten after ages spent in the Underworld, Klothys has only recently emerged, brimming with silent frustration at the state of Theros.   Each strand of Klothys's hair is part of the fabric of destiny, the natural order that underpins all existence. Her followers claim to see these strands woven into all things, granting them understanding of cosmic truths and insights into how the future should unfold.   Klothys withdrew to the Underworld ages ago to keep watch over the imprisoned titans and ensure they couldn't escape and destroy the order she had established. Due to this undertaking, she is also the god of secrets best kept quiet and powers best untouched.   Klothys’s Goals Once content to oversee and preserve destiny from the Underworld, Klothys now endeavors to undo the cosmic damage caused by Heliod, Xenagos, and ambitious mortals in recent years. The ways in which they ravaged reality to realize their selfish dreams has threatened Theros, and only by untangling the strands of destiny can Klothys set things right. The status quo she seeks to restore, however, comes with a cost in mortal casualties and societal upheaval that would accompany this process. She intends to humble the same institutions that condoned or committed these crimes against Theros. When her efforts have laid low the proud, the defiant, and the exploitative, then Klothys will have restored the natural order and ensured the world's survival.   Worshiping Klothys Klothys doesn't trace her origins to mortal devotion, and she has languished in obscurity for almost the whole of human history. Unlike the other gods (except Kruphix), she doesn't need worship to sustain or empower her, and she doesn't seek out reverence or demand it. By and large, mortals are irrelevant to her, except insofar as they have played a role in tangling the strands of destiny by defying nature's order.   Klothys’s Champions Alignment: Usually neutral
Suggested Classes: Barbarian, cleric, ranger, warlock
Suggested Cleric Domains: Knowledge, War
Suggested Backgrounds: Folk hero, hermit, outlander, sage   Most champions of Klothys believe it is their destiny to fulfill a particular role or seek answers to omens they struggle to understand. They are passionate about punishing those who violate the cosmological order.   Klothys’s Favor Klothys hasn't had a mortal champion before. Upon emerging from the Underworld, she created a host of Nyxborn agents to help her restore Theros to its proper path. You might be one of these so-called Agents of Destiny (if you choose the Nyxborn supernatural gift), single-minded in the purpose for which you were made. Or you might be among the first of a new cadre of followers of Klothys.  

Myths of Klothys Klothys is barely remembered in the mortal world, having sequestered herself in the Underworld while human civilization was in its infancy. Some surviving myths speak of a personified “destiny” in a way that vaguely suggests the possibility of an actual god’s involvement.   Rage of Titans. The greatest threat to the young world of Theros was the godlike race of titans, born from the same swirling chaos as the world itself. Before any order could be imposed on the world, the titans had to be contained. Kruphix and Klothys worked together to imprison the titans in the deepest pits of the Underworld. Klothys voluntarily bound herself in the Underworld to keep the titans imprisoned, but that is, after all, the nature of destiny: once the natural order of the world had been put in place and preserved, no further action should have been required on her part to maintain it.   The Smoking Strand. Hidden far from civilized coasts lies a strand of Klothys’s hair that she purposefully plucked. Knotted in on itself, the strand appears as a seething ball of dense smoke. Any who touch the strand risk having it invade them, infecting them with a pernicious destiny that Klothys herself tore from the natural order. None can say what terrible destiny the Smoking Strand drives its possessor toward, but the ruins within which it lies might give some hint—caverns burrowed deep into a mountain of petrified bodies, the twisted obsidian corpses of humanoids and animals alike.   Twins at War. The newly formed gods Kruphix and Klothys emerged from opposite sides of the roiling tangle of possibilities that eventually gave birth to Theros. At first the two battled for supremacy, but they soon realized their conflict left their young world vulnerable to dangers from both inside and out. Putting their rivalry aside, the pair agreed it was better to share and have something than let their struggles destroy all creation.   Walkers of Woe. The nightmarish creatures known as woe striders are said to be products of Klothys’s punishment. These beings descend from an age when some mortals learned to unshackle themselves from the strands of destiny. To what end is a question lost to time, but Klothys put a quick end to these blasphemers and eradicated nearly all knowledge of their methods. Ever since, the shades of these accursed mortals have walked the Underworld as woe striders, monstrosities endlessly seeking strands of destiny that they might use to replace their own discarded lots.

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