Minotaur of Phoberos

Most of the minotaurs that roam the badlands of Phoberous are outcasts from the society of Skophos. They are bandits and marauders, bloodthirsty killers infected by the wild rage of Mogis. Most of them use only the barest minimum of technology—tattered clothes, piecemeal armor, and heavy weapons, all scavenged from their fallen foes. They wander alone or gather in bands under the leadership of the strongest among them, and in either case tend to kill any human they encounter. Three distinct bands are particularly well-known by their Akroan foes. Bloodhorn Minotaurs Named for their blood-caked horns, the Bloodhorn minotaurs have ragged claws to supplement their charges and gores. Gleeful in their brutality, they slaughter and devour any intruders they encounter in the badlands, and particularly value the bone marrow of young humans. They take pride in their overlarge, razor-sharp horns.   Felhide Minotaurs The notoriously dour Felhide minotaurs are descended from the warlord Thyrogog of the Ashlands. The Theriad recounts the brute’s defeat and the loss of his great axe, Goremaster. Viewing Thyrogog’s defeat as a divine sign, the warlord’s descendants retreated into the Ashlands.   Burial rites among the Felhide minotaurs involve devouring those who fell in battle, to remove their shame from memory and fuel the survivors’ revenge. Should another scavenger reach a fallen Felhide before the rest of the band can eat the dead minotaur’s remains, the minotaurs mobilize to track down as much of their dead comrade’s body as possible.   Ragegore Minotaurs Ragegore minotaurs are the most ferocious of their kind, deeply infected by the bloodlust of Mogis. Ragegores never withdraw from a battle, entering a frenzy of furious delight at the sight of an enemy’s blood. While in the heat of battle, a Ragegore minotaur seems to feel no pain and barely notices wounds that would kill a human. Some Ragegores have been known to fall dead immediately at the cessation of battle, their life sustained only by their fury.
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