The Council of Setessa

Karametra is the queen of Setessa, but of course gods have more important concerns than the day-to-day governance of a human polis. So a five-member council attends to the daily tasks of leadership on the deity’s behalf. The council is made up of the commanders of the four prominent fortress-watchtowers that guard the polis. These commanders are elected by popular vote: Anthousa of Leina Tower, Phaedra of Hyrax Tower, Niketa of Bassara Tower, and Kallias of Ophis Tower. The fifth member is Silverbrow, a centaur oracle who reads the Kelema Veil at the Nexuses of the Seasons and advises action based on her visions. Anthousa is the head of the council, considered Karametra’s closest advisor and the de facto ruler of the city.
Controlled Territories