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The mysterious Naga came out of the jungles and swamps of Theros, where they developed a natural understanding of poisons and deseases of all kind. Pharika, Goddess of Affliction took great interest in these people for few other races developed such a deep understanding of the deeper truths of medicine and poisons. She tasked the Naga to use their knowlede to help other intelligent races by fighting the spread of deseases and bolstering the cult of Pharika. For a long time, the Naga did as ordered and the other races multiplied in numbers.   But over time, the Naga became discontent with their status as a servant. At first, they were less and less willing to share their knowledge and demanded ever higher prices for their help. Then, in the Polis of Pharikos, five rich and powerful Naga alchemists began to covet the position they thougth to deserve: Kings and Queens of the Poleis. With powerful concoctions mind-controlled the military and took over the City. Pharika still saw this as an interesting experiment, but Keranos, God of Storms, was disgusted by their act. To shackle the mind of a sapient being was against everything Keranos stood for. With a powerful lightning bolt, he killed the five Naga alchemist in their laboratory. That was the end of the very brief reign of the Naga Kings. The bodies of the alchemists were thrown into a nearby bog - to prevent admirers to honor their grave.   There in the bog, somthing unexpected happend. It must have been that the corpses of the alchemists were covered in strange concoctions, acids and potions when the lightning bolt hit the lab. The corpses were partially dissoved, areaction began and soon, something started to move under the water. Five snakelike heads came out of the water and drew breath again. The very frst Hydra was born and it was hungry. It began do devour every living beeing in the bog and grew larger and larger. Word of this new beast spread like wildfire and countless heroes came to kill the Hydra, just to end up in its belly. Eventually, the Hydra grew too big for its bog. It left in search of more food and found it in the nearby city. It attacked the Polis, razed it to the ground and devoured everyone who coudn't flee. When the Hydra entered the holy gardens, it ate the Nyx-Lotus, a holy bloom rife with Nyx-Energy. The Hydra soon grew large enough to worry enven the gods and became known as Polukranos, the World Eater. Nylea and Helliod had to combine their powers to bind the Hydra in the Nessian Forest, where it was eventually slain.   Since then, the Naga were met with such suspicion by the other races, they decided to leave the mainland and settle on the ever-shifting Draka Isles. Recently, some Naga have been seen on the mainland again.  


Nagas have a humanoid upper body but a snakelike tail in place of legs and a snakes head. They are completely covered with scales. Males have a hood like a cobra. Scale colors are usually simple greens and browns, but more elaborate swirls, stripes, or diamond patterns are possible, even in blues and reds. Naga give off almost no scent that a human could detect, but animals could sense a dry, musty odor from their bodies.  


The sting of being outcast still affects the attitude of the Naga to the people of the mainland. Many Naga feel mistreated and appear to be just as arrogant as their ancestors, but others understand the contempt and fear other races feel for them. On top ot that, most people have problems to interpret the mimik and body language of the Naga. This is why they appear as cold and uncaring to others. In truth, Naga are no less capable of sympaty and compassion than any other race.  


Naga take are intelligent hunters. They favor ambushes over direct attacks and make excellent use of their surroundings. In melee, Nagas constrict their foes with their bodies and slice or stab them with skimitars or daggers. Nagas are also excellent Bowmen who like to poison their arrows.  


Naga form complex societies and fairly large cities. They build great temples to worship Pharika and Phenax, God of Deception.

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