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Pheres Band Centaurs

Between the mountains of Akros and the vast Nessian Wood to the southeast, Pheres-band centaurs roam across the dry, hilly landscape.   Gathered in small bands of fierce raiders, the Pheres centaurs plunder whatever prey they can find: merchants and other travelers moving between Akros and Setessa, settlers trying to eke out an existence in the region, leonin tribes, Lagonnaband centaurs who range too far to the north, and any others they encounter. Their family ties are looser than those of the Lagonna Band, and on some occasions they form large raid hordes to secure resources and new hunting grounds. They are slightly larger than the Lagonna, and are also quite a bit more savage. Pheres names are often descriptions of a physical feature or the circumstances of an individual's birth.   The Charger is the chieftain of a Pheres raiding herd. Unlike the Lagonna, who are ruled by their elders, the Pheres are led by their strongest and most dominant individuals. Leadership tends to be stable until the charger ages to the point where he or she can't lead effectively anymore.   Callers are shamans and summoners with the ability to call animals to aid the band and to enchant their allies with animal energies. A caller can be identified by the ornately carved horn he or she carries, called an oulokeros. Centaur legends say that when the gods first fashioned humans from the red mud of the eldest river, it was Pheres trompers who taught them how to corner and kill prey.   Trompers are the feared raiders and warriors of the Pheres Band. Trompers are the most feared warriors of the Pheres Band. Anger is their lifeblood. It sustains them and gives them purpose.  

Pheres Renegades

Pheres band members survive by working and fighting together, but still some centaurs choose to strike out on their own. These renegades often feel like outsiders in their own band. They might be pacifists, wishing to learn about other people rather than fighting them. Or they might feel a restlessness in their soul that nothing else can soothe. Though renegades build their own life away from the band, most retain some connection with their past. Some stories tell of renegades returning to help their band in times of need before disappearing once more.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Bido, Daxa, Saya, Tesia

Masculine names

Eno, Roth, Skelor, Stihl

Other names

Renowned Members of a Pheres Herd are adressed by a honorific name instead of their birthname. Examples of Pheres Honorifics are: Threekills, Razorhoof, Unsleeping, Daggereye, Silentstep.
Encompassed species
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