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Tabaxi are catfolk like the Leonin. They are taller than most humans at six to seven feet. Their bodies are slender and covered in spotted or striped fur. Like Leonin, Tabaxi have long tails and retractable claws. Tabaxi fur color ranges from light yellow to brownish red. Their eyes are slit-pupilled and usually green or yellow. Tabaxi are competent swimmers and climbers as well as speedy runners. They have a good sense of balance and an acute sense of smell.  


Most Tabaxi have an innate curiosity that compell them to travel and seek out stories, new experiences and knowledge. In general, tabaxi do not care for wealth, but they have an almost obsessive interest in artifacts, relics and magic items, but not for the items themselves, as much as the stories and secrets they held. Once an item had been thoroughly examined and studied, and its secrets revealed, it would lose its allure and the tabaxi would quickly lose interest and pass it on.   Not all tabaxi were motivated by curiosity to leave their homeland, however. Some found safer ways to satisfy their fleeting obsessions by becoming traveling minstrels and tinkers, often accepting interesting objects and stories as payment for their services.   This natural couriosity settles with age, and mature Tabaxi often feel the urge to return to their Clan and settle down.  


Tabaxi are exceptional hunters and utilize these skills in combat. Speed and stealth combined with their natural camouflage mean that tabaxi are particularity skilled at surprise attacks. Tabaxi are even known to disguise their scent with aromatic herbs. Their hunting skills and intelligence made them formidable tacticians. Groups would often drive prey into ambushes, sometime playing with their doomed foe before killing them. Tabaxi clans also have berserker warriors within them, known as blood-stalkers.   For weapons, tabaxi favour bolas, slings, and javelins. These weapons would often be made from wood, bone or stone. Tabaxi are just as likely to use weapons as they were to use their claws and teeth. Their preference of simple weapons was not due to a lack of capability. Tabaxi are quite capable of adapting to new technologies or salvaged weapons.   Due to their knowledge of hunting, intelligence and sense of smell, it was practically impossible to trap a tabaxi.  


Tabaxi society was built around clans. Each Clan consists of an equal amount of males and females. Each clans is led by a female elder, aided by a male shaman. A clan usually has 3 to 12 younglings which are raised and fed by the whole clan. Once the younglings are old enough, the join the hunts, which patrol the area around the clan's lair and provide food an security. The more adventourous among the younglings are encouraged to leave the clan for a while, to return with new stories and ideas.   Most Tabaxi revere Nissa, the God of the Hunt since this God perfectly aligns with their lifestyle. Tabaxi who leave their homeland to explore the wider world often sacrifice to a different god. Penax, God of Deception and Keranos, God of Storms seem to be more common than others. Some people also say that Tabaxi must have a good understanding with Erebos and Atheros.
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