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Setha Ironmane

Setha Ironmane

Setha Ironmane, of 34 winters passed, comes from a small pride that lives on the outskirts of the Katachthon Mountains. The 20-30 other members of his pride look to him for guidance and generally follow the path that he takes. This is not common among the Ironmane pride since they normally rely on only themselves throughout their lives. Setha has stood out among them though, and other prides, for his notable acts of bravery and his devotion to proving that the gods and their champions do not compare to that of a true Leonin warrior. At 7 feet tall and 320 pounds, the dark golden-brown fighter stands tall among most of his kind. It is not the height that makes him stand out though but it is the mass of this warrior that sets him apart. Starting from his short kept mane, he has 2 braids intertwined with Manticor teeth that are neatly tied off with a brown bead. His broad shoulders span nearly 6 inches wider than the average warrior and from top to bottom you can see every muscle meticulously sculpted and defined as if he were made from stone. It is clear that a lot of time has been spent on developing his strength and agility. Scare riddle his body from the countless battles and dangers that he has faced. You would find no intricate armor but only a light leather loin cloth around his waist. A heavy braided leather sash runs across his chest and back securing a leather pauldron to his left shoulder. At each hip he always keeps on him his crude but effective hand axes. Close by will be his primary weapon that he calls “Teacher”( Glaive). Curled neatly in his tail he keeps his long bow, one that he has used on countless occasions to best many foes before they even come near to him. Setha has proven himself in battle countless times not only protecting Oreskos from outsiders but also from inner dissension amongst the prides. His masterful skill with the bow has downed many Gryphons and Manticors in the region that were harassing the local population. One of his greatest achievements was his slaying of Karg, the champion of the local cyclops tribe. When the Swiftclaw and Embereye prides once quarreled, the Ironmanes were recruited by the Embereye’s to help protect their villages due to their small population in comparison with the Swiftclaws. To end the raiding and the bloodshed, Setha challenged both prides best fighters to unarmed combat to settle the dispute. Though heavily wounded, Setha bested both fighters and in accordance with the terms, both prides ended their grievances. This was not for the overall peace that he chose to do this but Setha was seeking to court favor amongst the two prides, thus strengthening his case to be elected the next speaker of the Leonin. The thought of an Ironmane being a speaker is almost as crazy as a Leonin committing himself to the gods. This did not deter Setha as his achievements and physical prowess surly meant others would agree with him and vote in his favor. His plans were to fully unit the Leonin prides and to grow them in strength. He wishes to grow the prides to such a status that even the gods themselves would become weary of interfering in their affairs. He wants to show the other races that the gods only hold the amount of power that they bestow to them and that they should look to the Leonin as an example. He wants them to break free of them and end the god’s tyranny. Come the full moon day and the election...   Setha has failed. Even with the Ironmane pride making their first appearance at the festival in many years, and some mild support from the Embereye and Swiftclaw prides, Setha fell short of his goal. The leonin race as a whole deemed Setha too young and out of touch with the rest of the world. His lack of knowledge and experience with the other races of Theros proved he was not fit to be the leader of the Leonin. Brimaz was elected speaker once again. Defeated by the humiliation of his loss, Setha set out alone to explore the greater areas of Theros. To best even the greatest of foes and to learn the intricacies of the other races and their cultures.   3 Months passed, a week before meeting the party.   Since leaving the savannah, the mighty warrior has proven that even the fiercest of the Leonin can change. With nothing but a few un-noteworthy skirmishes, He has found and explored the world of Theros’s taverns. The last few months he as found himself wondering the lands, not fully remembering where he has been or who he has met. Each night typically resulting in a booze filled adventure and finding himself in the morning with a new partner laying next to him. Gambling and fighting have kept up his habits and he has shown no sign of slowing down. Hearing of the games, he makes his way to Akros in hopes of finding better drink, better woman and maybe, just maybe, finding his way again.

Proud leader of the Ironmane's and failed speaker candidate. Setha self exiled himself to venture out in the world and further broaden his mind and strength with hopes to return and claim the seat as the leader of the Leonin.

Character Location
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Chaotic neutral
34 winters passed
Gold flowing into a rusty orange
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden brown
7 Ft.
320 Lbs.

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