King Cassander "Sun Child" of Akros Character in Theros | World Anvil
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King Cassander "Sun Child" of Akros

Cassander was one of the earliest heroes of The Age of Heroes, and the child of Heliod, God of The Sun.    Cassander was one of the greatest warriors during the war with Skophos shortly after the founding of Akros. His skill and nobility so impressed the people of Akros that he was proclaimed to be the first amongst them.    He agreed (or insisted), however, that he not reign Akros alone. He ruled alongside another king or queen, invested with equal power by The Gerousia, throughout his reign (outliving many co-rulers due to his divine heritage).    After many years of ruling Akros, Cassander journeyed to Mount Kure, where he ascended to the heavens to join his father. Cassander continues to be worshipped as a minor deity within Akros, inceding on the Polis' behalf whenever his father's support is called upon.
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