King Kallinikos "The Magnificent" of Akros Character in Theros | World Anvil
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King Kallinikos "The Magnificent" of Akros

Kallinikos was the first king of Akros' second dynasty, and was famed for his mastery of Thaumatugy. He inherited Varantha from his grandfather-in-law following the death of his wife, and his ascension was controversial both due to his being from another family, and due to his Meletian heritage (the memories of the Akro-Meletian War still firmly situated in the communal memories). He soon changed the minds of the the Akroan nobility, however, as his knowledge and power in Thaumaturgy brought power and knowledge to the city. During his reign he sponsored numerous heroes to venture out to the forgotten places of Theros so as to bring knowledge and artefacts from ancient Trax into Akroan control. He famously created a library in which to store the assembled treasures, which he situated in a new city to be settled in the northern province (The city of Symbala). This library was known as The Tower of Symbal, and it became a great centre of learning, rivalling the academies of Meletis.    Kallinikos' reign ended in tragedy, however, with the coming of the great Ashen Dragon from the north... Kallinikos' died alongside his sons and wives within the tower and city that he built. He was succeeded by his youngest daughter, Fausta, a child he supposedly fathered with demon bound to his will...
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