Leonin Store Building / Landmark in Theros | World Anvil
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Leonin Store

  • A wooden shop within Akros' Fleamarket.
  • A black panther-like Leonin seems to tend to the store ("Black Leonin"), and another white Leonin with blue eyes ("White Leonin") was present at the store when first visited by
  • Kythos
  • The store sells exotic goods, include food, clothes and exotic weapons

Item List

  Scimitar - 38gp; Glaive - 30gp; Oreskan Peplos (traditional robe) - 10gp; Lionchess set (Various Designs) - 2-400gp; Leonin Snare - 6gp; Orellic Spiced Wine - 3sp; Kumis - 8sp; Sarganis - 12sp; Hulgum - 8sp
Shop, Generic

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