Ormasos and Meloe's Stall Building / Landmark in Theros | World Anvil
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Ormasos and Meloe's Stall

  • A caravan converted into a shop, which sells adventuring gear and general supplies
  • Run by a pair of Laguna-Band Centaurs - Meloe and Ormasos   
  • The store is avoided by the general public, likely due to resentment towards centaurs

Item List

  Light Armour (Padded) - 10gp; Light Armour (Leather) - 20gp; Sling - 2sp; Sling Bullets (20) - 8cp; Bedroll - 2gp; 2-person tent - 4gp; Backpack - 4gp; Travellers' Clothes - 4gp; Flask - 4cp; Waterskin - 4gp; Mess Kit - 4sp; Mirror - 10gp; Dice Set - 2sp; Lute - 70gp; Icon of "The Father" - 500gp
Shop, Generic

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