Prokopios' Hut Building / Landmark in Theros | World Anvil
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Prokopios' Hut

  • A small circular stone hut with a conical roof, located within The Fleamarket (Lower Akros) 
  • Run by Prokopios (and his pet corn snake, Alina!), a potion-crafter and follower of Pharika 

Item List 

  Vial of acid - 38gp; Flask of Alchemist's Fire - 75gp; Vial of Antitoxin - 38gp; Healer's Kit - 8gp; Flask of oil - 1sp; Vial of basic poison - 75gp; Poisoner's Kit - 75gp; Potion of Healing - 38gp; Potion of Greater Healing - 175gp
Shop, Generic


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