Theros The History of Akros Timeline
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The History of Akros

A focus-in on the remembered history of Theros, from the perspective of the people of the Polis of Akros.

The Theogonies

Before Time - Founding of Akros

The Distant Past, including the Traxiad and the early Theogonies.

Age of Republic

Founding of Akros - Creation of The Royal Dynasty

This describes the time between the founding of Akros by The Seven Families, and the formation of The Royal Dynasty

The Age of The Diarchs

The Founding of The Royal House - The Age of Turmoil

Cassander was the first King of Akros, but he did not rule alone. The following period consisted of a number of dual rulers, either two kings, and king and queen, or (in one instance) two queens simultaneously. Each ruler was selected by The Seven Families, via The Gerousia, and each ruler reigned for life (or deposition).

  • ??? - ???
    The Reign of Cassander and his Diarchs
    Political event

    Cassander was said to be a child of the god Heliod, and he ruled Akros for many centuries, during which time numerous members of Akros' nobility ruled alongside him as Diarch. Despite his long rule, however, Cassander never fathered children and after his death both of the Diarchs were elected by the The Gerousia, until the reign of Pelonias...

  • ??? - ???
    The creation of Pankration
    Cultural event

    Kelephne "The Victor" learns the art of Pankration wrestling from Iroas, and introduces this to the Akroan people. The sport is played on a yearly basis, and formed the foundation of what would go on to become The Iroan Games.

The Century of Turmoil

The killing of Pelonias - The start of The Monarchy

Following Akros' defeat in the war with Meletis, and Pelonias' refusal to accept any of the proposed Diarchs, The King and The Seven Families declared war upon one another. Pelonias was killed early on in the war, but his son took up his place, whilst The Gerousia had selected their own Diarchs. The war ended only after the intercession of the god Purphoros himself. He asked that all involved parties heed the decision of his representatives, The Flamespeakers of Kakamala, and in so doing he would make the kingdom greater and more unified than it ever had been. The ruler chosen by The Flamespeakers was a man named Goran, and he was given a great spear by the name Varantha...

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    Pyrrhos and the Gorgon of Thetae
    Military: War

    During the wars of The Diarchs, the people of Akros were in sore need of protectors. One such hero was Pyrrhos, famous for slaying the Gorgon Merona, who had been terrorising the countryside around the town of Thetae. He is still remembered there by an annual festival in his name.

The Second Dynasty of Akros

Death of King Tymocles "The Pious" - Execution of The Witch Queen Amunet

Starting with the ascension of King Kallinikos "The Magnificent", the second dynasty of Akros is remembered for the expansion in the use of Thaumaturgy, and for its subsequent banning after the reigns of King Darius and The Witch Queen Amunet.

  • ??? - ???
    The Reign of The Witch Queen Amunet
    Political event

    Rising from an obscure background, Amunet was the first consort of King Darius "The Wicked". After her husband's death, she took the reigns of government into hand and killed many of the most powerful nobles within the Polis. She was ousted from The Kollophon by a combined army led by the remaining nobles of The Gerousia, but then retreated to Phoberos and gathered an army of The Returned to march upon the city. Her reign of terror was ended by an army from across the sea, led by the future King Keiko "The Conqueror".