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Gorgons - sometimes referred to as medusae - are nyxborn humanoids created by the God Pharika as one of her earliest experiments. They are characterised by serpentine lower bodies and hair made of snakes or snakelike tendrils.   Some of Pharika's first creations, the Pharika's Spawn, were considered by her to be too dangerous for her to control. As a result they were banished to the Underworld, and are now used by Erebos to keep souls where they belong.   The gorgons that populate Theros are much more civilised and less dangerous, but they are rarely seen, preferring to hide away in solitude in caves, swamps, ruined cities and small, isolated communities.

Gorgon Traits

Ability Score Increase: CON +2  CHA +1

Age: Gorgons reach physical maturity about 15 and can live up to 800 years old

Size: Medium - Gorgons range from under 5 to over 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.

Speed: 30ft

Languages: Common and Primordial

Darkvision: 60ft

Petrifying Gaze: Once per short rest you may target a creature within 10ft with this ability. They must succeed a wisdom save (DC 10+CON) or be petrified for one minute. 

Snake hair: Your hair is a natural weapon, dealing 1d4 poison damage. Targets hit by this attack must succeed a constitution saving throw (DC 10+CON) or become poisoned until the end of their next turn.

Cover image: medusa battle illustration by babaganoosh99


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