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Native to the grasslands of Oreskos, the humanoid elephants known as loxodons radiate an aura of calm, often humming or chanting in sonorous tones, moving slowly or sitting in perfect stillness. If provoked to action, loxodons are true terrors- bellowing with rage, trumpeting and flapping their ears. Their serene wisdom, fierce loyalty, and unwavering conviction are tremendous assets to their guilds.

Lumbering Giants

A loxodon looks like a perfect blend of elephant and man, with the thick, leathery skin of an elephant and the bipedal stance of the more civilized races. Their Elephant-like heads are by far their most distinct feature, containing the same level of wisdom as their distant kin. Male loxodon tend to have a slimmer, yet more muscular, build than their female counterparts, as well as longer tusks. Regardless of gender, the beings stand head and shoulders above even the tallest of humans. Some are covered in a coarse, brown hair, others have only faint tufts of black, while others still are completely bald, lacking any trace of covering.   Loxodons tower above most other humanoids, standing over seven feet tall. Their hands have four thick digits, and their feet are the flat, oval-shaped feet of elephants. Like that of an elephant, a loxodon’s trunk is a useful appendage that supplements the hands. In addition to providing a keen sense of smell, the trunk can be used to lift and carry even heavy objects, and the two finger-like protrusions at the tip are capable of delicate manipulation. The trunk can be used to carry both food and liquid to the mouth and can even act as a snorkel.  

Ancient Mystery

The history of the race is as much a mystery to mortals as the origin of the universe. It is rare to hear a loxodon creation story, but all agree that the gods were directly involved, and that they were one of the first races, preceded only by giants and dragons. Their forces were never directly used in the wars between their larger counterparts, but nonetheless played a role in keeping the destruction in check. Many loxodon revere their ancestors, claiming that all were important in the formation of the world as we know it.

Relentlessly Loyal

Loxodons value community and life, believing that the members of a group have a responsibility to look out for each other. Once they have joined a guild or bonded with other individuals in any capacity, they devote themselves to maintaining that bond. They coordinate their efforts and are often willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the group. They expect the same loyalty and commitment from the other members of their communities and can be severe in their disappointment when their trust is betrayed.

Loxodon Names

Loxodon tend to use giant names, although it is not uncommon for words of Orc or Dwarven script to find their way into the language. Due to some races' difficulty at pronouncing their guttural names, highly social loxodon opt instead for a nickname, choosing a defining physical feature to go by, mainly revolving around their trunks or tusks. The loxodon do not use last names, instead going by their leader's name with the suffix -clan or -herd when it becomes necessary.   Male: Agvith, Ghanonoth, Ililoxth, Kavavipth, Lathilinth, Mauthouk, Phughuin, Thavaglath, Tvortilipth, Vegakhagn   Female: Ameristhea, Gaupaelia, Imimphea, Kauthila, Laulunea, Maumpthorea, Oneghea, Oriria, Phaaghia, Veriaphia   Nicknames: Broad-Tusk, Cracked-Tusk, Dark-Wool, High-Ear, Long-Trunk, Moon-Eye, Scarred-Hide, Severed-Trunk, Strong-Trunk, Twin-Tusk,

Loxodon Traits

Ability Score Increase: CON+2 WIS+1

Age: Loxodons physically mature at the same rate as humans, but they live about 450 years. They highly value the weight of wisdom and experience and are considered young until they reach the age of 60.

Size: Medium - Loxodon stand between 7 and 8 feet tall and their massive bodies weigh between 300 and 400 pounds.

Speed: 30ft

Languages: Common, Loxodon

Powerful Build: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push or drag

Loxodon Serenity: You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed or frightened.

Natural Armour: You have thick, leathery skin. Without armour, your AC is 12+CON. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armour.

Trunk: Your trunk has a reach of 5ft, and can lift a number of pounds equal to your STR x5. You can use it to perform simple tasks such as: lifting, dropping, holding, pushing, or pulling an object or a creature; opening or closing a door or a container; grappling someone; or making an unarmed strike.

Your trunk can't wield weapons or shields or do anything that requires manual precision, such as using tools or magic items or performing the somatic components of a spell.

Keen Smell: Thanks to your sensitive trunk, you have advantage on Perception, Survival, and Intelligence checks involving smell.


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