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Supernatural Gifts

  Nyxborn is a Supernatural Gift.   Most heroes of Theros have some kind of supernatural aid to help them achieve their goals. Often this aid comes from the gods, but some heroes might find their support from other beings, such as the sphinx Medomai, an oracle like Atris or Kydele, or a repository of mystical knowledge. Some heroes are born with supernatural power or born as a result of supernatural events.


  Born from the minds of the gods, the creatures that populate the gods’ realm are called Nyxborn. Nyxborn creatures resemble mortal beings, but philosophers debate their true character. Are they idealized forms of mortal beings, free from the imperfections and transience that causes mortals to suffer and die? Or are they hollow and soulless shades, lacking the authenticity and pathos that make mortal existence worthwhile?   A Nyxborn is like a fragment of divinity, an idea or a dream that is incarnate. You embody an idea—like the way leaves turn toward the sun or the feeling of ocean sand between the toes, the way the heart stirs when the tide of battle changes or the sadness that lingers when remembering a happy moment of childhood.   These ideas, dreams, memories, and feelings are the stuff Nyx is made of, and a Nyxborn is shaped from that raw material. You might have been specifically crafted by one of the gods to serve a certain purpose. Or your existence could be an accident caused by a confluence of supernatural forces. The Nyxborn Origin table offers a handful of suggestions that might explain how you came to be, and the Nyxborn Quirks table describes some special effects that might linger around your person.  

Notable Nyxborn



  Born as an ordinary minotaur, Xanthe came back changed after a brief time in the Underworld. Exposure to the the swirling mists of Nyx during her escape instilled her with Nyxborn abilities. 

Nyxborn Traits

  Cloak of Stars: As an action, you wrap yourself in a starry cloak, appearing like a silhouette formed of the night sky. When you do, attack rolls have disadvantage against you. This cloak lasts for 1 minute, until you doff it (no action required), or until you die. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.   Nyxborn Resistance: You have resistance to necrotic and radiant damage.  

Nyxborn Origin

1 One of your parents is a nyxborn, a nymph, or some other supernatural creature.
2 You were formed from Nyx by one of the gods to serve as a divine emissary.
3 You were created as a side effect of some other divine action.
4 A god witnessed your birth, making you what you are.
5 You were rescued from the Underworld and took on supernatural characteristics when you returned to life.
6 You are a song or other work of art brought to life.

Nyxborn Quirks

1 Whenever your weapon strikes something, the weapon gives off a shower of starry sparks.
2 Your hair moves as if in a perpetual breeze.
3 Your anger smells like burning autumn leaves.
4 When the sun shines on you just so, you glimmer with many colours.
5 Your laughter causes nearby birds to erupt in song.
6 People who sleep near you always dream of the sea.

Cover image: Aphemia the Cacophony by Lucas Graciano


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