004 • Minotaur Madness Report in Theros | World Anvil
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004 • Minotaur Madness

General Summary

Your ragtag party is following Ananke's guidance through Akros to the Court of Orestos, the lost tomb of one of Phenax's first followers. Rumored to be lost to time, ancient legends plus recent tectonic activity damming a river point in a general direction.

On this particular day, after leaving the small paradise in this mountainous region, you encountered a Centaur named Vasso who joined in your journey. Together, the six of you encountered an aged Minotaur who offered you his entire kingdom if you'd simply pass his test. Y'all refused and insulted him so he attacked but you were able to beat him.

After burying him respectfully, you continued onward and made camp for the night but were interrupted immediately by two skeletal minotaurs. Neither one represented the slain king from earlier, and you protected yourselves by killing them anyway.

We pick up right where we left off as you have just defeated the enemies with your camp on one side of the road and a stepped-hill on the other, with noise coming from up the hill.

Rewards Granted

  • A battered pewter and silver crown (worth 85 gp)
  • 16 cp
  • A large carnelian (worth 75 gp)
  • An etching of a bookish-looking minotaur youth.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • "Broken King Antigonos"

Character(s) interacted with

  • King Antigonos
Report Date
30 Nov 2020
Primary Location

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