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Defense Forces of Shae Ashad

The Defense Forces of Shae Ashad are the official military of Shae Ashad. They are comprised of three main forces: the Terrestrial Defense Force, the Naval Defense Force, and the Specialized Defense Force.  


As of 126 LE, the Defense Forces of Shae Ashad are led by Maharani Sa'dia al-Ahmaad, the reigning queen of Shae Ashad. Under her are three Divine Commanders who advise her on the acutal goings-on of the the military. Each of the Divine Commanders directs one of the three branches of the military.   The Terrestrial Force is made up of mostly heavily-armored brigaides clad in plate mail and weilding heavy weapons such as greataxes and warhammers, but also includes a smaller subdivision of light infantry. They are the bulk of the Ashadan army, owing to the fact that very little of the nation's borders are on the coast.   The Naval Force is the smallest of all the world's navies. Sailors make up only about 20% of the Ashadan military. They typically wear scale mail and carry two short, light khopesh.   The Specialized Defense Force never exceeds 100 soldiers, thanks to the extensive amount of resources which are required to train them. They are by far the most varied of the Ashadan soldiers, with no two equipped with the exact same armaments or skill sets.  


Membership in the Ashadan military is, for the most part, voluntary. The sole requirements are that potential members be of sound mind and body, in good standing with the Mosque of the Luminary, and at least 17 years of age. There is only one exception to these general rules: service in the military can be required for convicted criminals, provided they stand accused of certain qualifying crimes. This includes murder, repeated or otherwise significant cases of theft, and attempts to lead or otherwise incite rebellion in a peaceful territory.

General Information

Type: Military
Founded: 1 LE
Base: TBD
Goals: Defend the nation from foreign threats


Total Members: ~30,000 (as of 126 LE)
Notable Members:  


Allegiances: Allies:

Note: The titles and names of Shae Ashad are often derived from what little memory the humans of Thesilae have of their ancient languages. Thus there is a mixture of Arabic, Sanskrit, Turkish, Hindi, and words from other Indic languages used, some of which have been unknowingly mistranslated by Ashadans.


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