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Marelad the Anguished

Marelad (/meːɻɛlæd/) is one of the six draconic demigods of Thesilae. She was created by Niginni to be a guardian of the sacred tree Adeldenaustra, but was infected by the psionic scourge during the Dischordant Rebellions.  


The Age of the Sun

At the start of the Age of the Sun, to mark the beginning of the new era, Niginni created the sacred tree Adeldenaustra at the heart of the world. With Hylkor lurking behind the bars of his eternal cage, however, she worried that the tree would be corrupted if she left it without a guardian. This was how Marelad came to be created. For all the years of this era of mortal prosperity, Marelad guarded the tree, conferring its fruits only on the most worthy of heroes, and protecting its roots from any who would spread pestilence upon them.  

The Age of Eclipse

When the psionic scourge which subjugated all of Thesilae first arrived, it quickly spread across the entire world, taking every major landmark it could find and razing it from history. In some cases, however, their efforts were only half-successful, such as with their attempted destruction of Adeldenaustra. A large scar has marred the length of its trunk since the scourge's attack, and yet the tree still lives. And Marelad succumbed to a similar fate. Infected by a psionic parasite, which gave the scourge control over the dragon's mind and body, Marelad is now a shell of the guardian she once was. Though she stands guard over the tree still, she has taken its fruits as her hoard, and shares it with no-one.  



Marelad is a female forest dragon, the first of her kind. The psionic parasite within her skull has corrupted her physically as well as mentally, but her basic appearance is the same as ever: brilliant, forest-green scales snake along her entire body, except for her branch-like horns. Those branches appear withered now, as is the leaf-like ornament at the tip of her tail. Her once-bright eyes have become faded, milky orbs.  


After the psionic parasite was planted in her skull, Marelad lost her natural sense of nobility and honor. She became a tool through which the scourge advanced its plots. After the scourge was pushed out from Thesilae, she grew greedy, self-centered, and cold-hearted.  



Character Information

Character Information

Full Name
Also Known As
The Anguished
Creature Type
  • Adeldenaustra
Connections Status Show


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