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A History Lost, Now Found...


About the Thesslian History Preservation Project:

  Thesslia was once populated with souls and a deep rich history, but was forgotten by time and all of Analonica. However, now, we shall rediscover the lands and tell the multi-faceted, contradiction-ridden, tragically beautiful stories of the Thesslians.   Welcome students. I….I—students—please. Thank you. I am Maester ThistleStorm. I will be your professor this semester for THS 101: an introduction to Thesslian History. This is not something I thought would happen in my lifetime, but nonetheless here we are. It is not lost on me that this is a momentous occasion. You will be the first students to explore this history. As you know these documents have been uncovered over the course of the past decade and yet we only have begun to piece what truly happened together…enough to create a curriculum of a course at one of the most pretentious, I mean prestigious universities in all of Analonica.   Therefore, as we go remember you are in a privileged position. You know the end of the story. They were not so lucky. They dealt with problems and issues that we cannot imagine. Their lives were fraught with the same pain we all know too well. Children gone too young, some live too long. Pointless wars and empty promises. Cultures lost to time and those who never got a chance. Those who prospered and those who perished. Those who answered the call and those who let it be. Those who wished for something different, for anything but the time they lived. Love lost and love found.   And like all things, it was lost to time. However, this class and those that come after will attempt to rescue their lives, their culture, and their heart from the clutches of those lost to history. And, students, clearly, the multi-faceted, contradiction-ridden, tragically beautiful lives of the Thesslians cannot be contained in a million hours of lectures told by themselves, much less me. However, in the face of that fact, their world does not deserve to be forgotten and so it shall not be.   Turn to page one, entitled “The War of the Colossi and an Investment in the Future.”   To be clear, This is not the time of the Shadow Walkers or the Lystat Imbär (legacy weavers). And this is most certainly before the First Apocalypse and the Great War of the Terra Nova. Where we begin is just past the signing of the Uniastaś Three (The union of the three cities) known to many as the “muddy gun pact” as it was a pact between the cities of V'Rok Risten "The Forgelands", Stovencrain, the city of Light, and, of course, the Great Port City of Amara that allowed for these fledgling societies to become civilizations in return for participation in their trading ring. Now is the time of “Orinacht Phineo” for those who don’t speak Thesslatic it roughly translates to “The First Days.” A slight misnomer as they were not the FIRST but it’s a classification nonetheless.   Now the landscape of Thesslia has been documented to contain many biomes of our own. However, it’s uncommon for biomes of such drastic differences to exist in such close proximity.   The incredible Unimbat Valley Mountain Ranges with an odd oxidized orange tint with bright green grass growing where it can. Deserts with a fine layer of blue dust from the mining days of Old Pycombe. The natural and artificial lava flows of the forgelands. The bioluminescent caves of Dweller’s Keep. The white sand beaches of Amara’s Shore. And of course the towering red wood trees that permeate the northern regions of Thesslia. Known as the “Bisek Basoa,” but for those unfamiliar with the Lystat dialect, it translates to “The Forest of Voices.” However, it is more commonly known as the “Whispering Wood.”


THS101: An Intro to Thesslian History

Kids on Brooms

The events of the Prime Age brought before our eyes as the six cultures of Thesslia fight for power, relevance, and survival.
