'Plasmon' Rifle Item in THF Universe | World Anvil

'Plasmon' Rifle

Rifle used by the Hyperion Federation that fires high energy neutrons. These cause large disturbances in matter, disintegrating the impact point. The special quirk of the weapon, however, is that it can detect and hit targets through walls as high energy neutrons have a high penetration power. They are blocked by most kinds of shields, but against a vehicle whose shields are downed, it can hit the crew. The neutrons can be disrupted by several specific materials, though, making it possible to design a wall that the weapon cannot detect or hit targets through. The weapon has a high accuracy and power consumption.   Tarlox wields an archaeotech variant of this weapon. He obtained it from the Pyre of Stars and commonly uses it at the front. This archaeotech version is collapsible into the size of a credit card. It stores the weapon in a pocket universe where it can be retriedved from the credit card device.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Owning Organization


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