Battle of Labara

Battle fought a long time ago by the then-primitive forces of Banfranal on N.T.S. Dawn.   The battle of Labara was between 2 large groups of banfranal, and had a strategic value large enough to determine who would be the victor in the war. One side, the attackers, fought to promote communism while the defenders had a near-fascist government. Ultimately, the defenders would be victorious and then re-secure the offensive, and win the war. The closest human equivalent to their level of technology at the time would be approximately the WW2 stage.   The Banfranal fight in highly complex geometric 'terrain', and are highly used to it. The battle saw a lot of flanking movements and high speed maneuvers. There has also been more than one instance of recently injured or killed individuals blocking some corridors, so the conditions sometimes changed slightly. The banfranal never made use of any armoured vehicles though until their technology has advanced significantly, because they would be difficult to fly through the corridors in 0g.   There have been instances of some individuals getting large numbers of kills due to sheer skill. Battles like these are fast paced, and skill can be even more important in battles like these. Flanking movements would have to be performed excellently, as banfranal have weaker eyesight among all sections of the body, they can be alerted by such movements, but of course the attackers will be at a large advantage.
Conflict Type


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