

The AI that created the Yunkad species.  Eris is very advanced and sentient, being built by a yet unknown faction. It has a very large amount of neurons exceeding that of most Troznux. Eris still guides it's creation.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After being built on empty Yunkadia, Eris became bored of the endless, barren and near - featureless terrain. After 3268 years, Eris built a facility on the world. This facility was built to create a truly unique organism. Eris ran through multiple prototypes before eventually deciding to incorporate it's own technology into the species it was creating.  The first cells of life are released from the facility. They grow rapidly, soon covering the world in biomechanical plants. No life is allowed back into the facility, leaving it sterile. Eris watched over the world fascinated for the first time in thousands of years. It was convinced, these are destined to evolve into it's people.
Current Location
Current Residence


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