
Sentient species that are very large and biomechanical in nature. HEX Mainframe aligned.   The HM deploys vehicles that can self-repair. They rely on this unique ability quite substantially. As such, they made the decision to take various vehicles chassis, empty all the internal workings so they are left with a shell, and fill that with biological organs. This is basically what a falgurut is.   Instead of having skin, they get a large vehicle to protect their innards. As of their first use in combat in about 9037 during the first Hyperion-HEX War, there was no way to tell what they have done. It would not be until almost years later that the Hyperion Federation finally managed to capture one, only to find the vehicle is actually biomechanical. They were largely suspicious when they first saw it 'consume' some forms of biological matter, including fallen soldiers. They also often consumed metal, such as other vehicles.   Falgurut research has taken up a large portion of HM research and experimentation, allowing them to optimize it and make it more usable for battle and generally more viable.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Although individual falguruts are not capable of reproduction, they are instead built and grown in factories as the HM requires more.

Growth Rate & Stages

Individuals of this species also gain full control of the self repair mechanism of their body which allows them to modify it. They can grow to large sizes, take up strange shapes and even change role entirely, e.g. turn into a CAS jet aircraft. The body of an individual is often a result of the personality of the individual in falgurut culture.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It consumes any meat that it can find on the battlefield to sustain itself which can come in the form of wild animals or even humanoid soldiers who have been killed in action. There have also been accounts of soldiers being consumed while still alive. They will likely try to eat civilians too. If this is not enough to sustain it, the HM provides them with extra food, but because of this they require almost no supplies. Food is sucked into a large tubelike machine located on the front and sent to a 'mouth' that will grind both biological and mechanical matter into small parts for digestion. When not in use the tube can close, so it is not a weak spot.

Biological Cycle

They are only impacted biologically as times of war come and go. While in peacetime, they are sent to storage and kept frozen in cryostasis. By vacuum - sealing the chamber, the energy consumption from this can be reduced massively.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They typically have some form of camera, such as infrared or regular colour cameras. Usually there are many cameras for better situational awareness and for redundancy. They can also detect sound via a large microphone-like device mounted on the top and can hear something as soft as humanoid soldiers trying to sneak up on it. Coupled with thermal imaging it makes it extremely difficult to hide from one. They are also capable of touch feeling becauseof sensors built into the armour.
No Known Upper Limit


  Gore Spoiler
As they are already protected by thick layers of tank armour, they require no bones. Instead, they have a highly specialized stomach which can break down both biological matter and almost any metal. This is primarily done using nanobots rather than acid which has the added advantage of being much less likely to digest itself. The intestine is made to absorb metal as well to provide it with materials to repair and structurally reinforce itself.   Falguruts also require a large amount of air for respiration. There are openings on the top of the hull behind the turret for this. These are filtered to only allow air, but air is sent through one opening and expended through the other and air always travels in the same direction through this tube. This way, the esophagus and air pipes are entirely separate, completely denying any chance of choking. This can become a weak point or make it susceptible to chemical warfare but more filters can be added to resist that.   They usually get a mechanical brain. This is mostly to save on weight and volume, as HM computing is highly powerful.


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