
The primary sentient species of the Karnol Caretakers.   Gagarags have invented a new, very powerful AI to help them automate parts of their civilization for them. Due to this, the AI took over more and more tasks until eventually taking over the society itself.To survive in the new environment, this AI also genetically modified some of the gagarags to better survive the new conditions, which dont often involve much movement. They now cannot become obese, yet still capable of standing up, walking and even running. Instead of storing a large amount of fat, their body prevents them from eating until they have burnt a sufficient amount of their energy reserve. Also, their digestive system has been made highly inefficient. This AI, and the gagarags themselves, both recognize the other as sentient and are expected culturally to bring no harm to the other.

Basic Information


They have a thin carapace but also have an endoskeleton (a skeleton structure that is interior to the body as opposed to exterior). They have 2 hands for manipulation and rely on 5 very strong tentacles to walk. So they have a mostly humanoid body, except for their exoskeleton and lower body. They have a brain inside the head, 2 eyes and ears.

Genetics and Reproduction

They reproduce asexually, but 2 people are still required for reproduction to happen. Both sides will grow a fetus in their own body, so gagarags can sometimes reproduce very fast. After birth, the babies will still need to learn to walk and so on because they arent born with that knowledge. They learn that after about 10 months, become sapient at about 1 year, and grow to full size after 25.

Ecology and Habitats

The gagarag body is now mostly incapable of survival outside of civilization. This is largely due to their very inefficient digestive system. They require homes to live in and easy access to food.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Gagarags are omnivores. Their digestive system is only about 5% efficient, so that they dont need to store as much fat to eat again. They store food in fridges before they eat it.    Notably, gagarags have no stomach equivalent. They break down food in the mouth before swallowing, which is then passed into the intestine immediately. This is separated into several parts though, the initial lengths serve the role of the stomach, to break down the food further and convert it into a nutrient rich paste before passing it onto the 2nd length where it is absorbed as normal. The initial section still uses an acid similar to many species stomach acid.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Gagarags have 2 eyes. However as their home star is a class B star, their visible spectrum differs significantly from that of humans. They see much higher frequencies of light, which humans would observe to be ultraviolet.
Average Height
2.2 m


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