HF - GAE First Contact

First contact between the Hyperion Federation and Grand Artanat Empire. It had odd circumstances.   GAE captain: "Orders received command, firing at Cypher Dominion ship flanking us."   It was an active warzone between the GAE and CD.   GAE captain: "Target destroyed, we have taken hits." Command: "Damage report?" Command was considering ordering this ship to disengage to repair, if the damage was bad enough Captain: "One of our weapons is destroyed, depressurization in one of our crew quarters - though damage control is fixing that - and our left thruster is damaged but still operational." Command: "Understood, continue the fight." Captain: "Affirmative." The line between this ship and command is closed. Captain: "We continue the fight." As such, both sides continued to exchange fire between each other. Until suddenly,   Radar officer: "We got a pretty large enem- uh oh." Just as he was saying this an immense energy signature appeared in the center of the fight. Those on the bridge were shocked at the sudden appearance of the very bright light source appear from seemingly nowhere. They cover their eyes using their hands. Captain: "Ah! Dammit, what is that, officer?" The radar officer looked up for a moment and immediately regret it, looking back down at his console. "No idea, it appears that an entire fleet is emerging from the light source. Wait, is it a wormhole?" Captain: "Why would a wormhole emerge and random ships just pass through it? Enemy reinforcements, perhaps? "Radar officer: "Negative, those are definitely not CD ships. They emit huge energy signatures. I think thy are highly advanced." And just as suddenly as the wormhole appeared, it vanished into nothing. However, there was something new where the wormhole once was. An entire alien fleet seemingly warped into the middle of this war zone. Were they attacking by surprise? Were they lacking intel and just happened to warp in the middle of this war zone?   "Sir, the aliens are shooting at the CD ships!"Captain: "Oh, nice, don't shoot the blue ships yet then. After the CD is done with. "Captain: "Can we open a line to the blue ships?" Communication officer: "Negative, we dont have their language." Captain: "Then lets get it, shall we? These bloody CD ships might have it, seeing the blue ones seem to understand their threat." "Then how do we take it from the CD ships? Try to find a wreckage with its data banks intact?" Captain: "I.. I don't know.."   Suddenly, the ship is hailed by one of the unknown contacts. "Oh, sir, they are contacting us." "Answer it, keep shooting the CD ships" A strange, alien figure is seen on what is presumably the bridge of this alien craft. It appears to be very advanced, with a lot of advanced looking technology positioned in various locations all through the ship. The captain's next observation would be the sheer number of different alien species all working together on the same bridge. Some are robots, others are bioluminescent. People of all different shapes and sizes. Both sides would stare at the other for a few moments, though it felt like hours.   The GAE captain spoke first. "Hello?" HF captain: "Hello... who do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?" "The Grand Artanat Empire. Bow down before our might." HF captain: "Lets just destroy these CD ships, yes?" GAE captain: "You know you just warped into the center of an active warzone right?" HF captain: "We didn't before we warped, but now we do. We would have launched an exploration party beforehand, but the distance is too great for that. Our radars also cant detect ships from this huge distance." GAE captain: "Oh, i see.. well...Here's the deal. We destroy all the CD ships in the area, and then you get to leave this place. Understood?" HF captain: "My people will want to know more about your own. Whatever we do, expect some investigation from us. We would also like to form an alliance with as many alien factions as possible, due to the HM and CD threats. As well as the Fracture." GAE captain: "The.. fracture?" HF captain: "Yeah... basically a giant wormhole which connects our universe with the mirror universe..." GAE captain: "How is that a threat then..." HF captain: "The civilizations on the other side of it. How would your nation react to seeing, well, the exact same thing but reversed in every way?" GAE radar officer: "Uhh, captain? torpedo incoming.." GAE captain: "Oh! Shoot it down, evasive maneuvers! Jam their locks!" GAE weapon officer: "Torpedo shot down!" HF captain: "We can provide electronic warfare support." GAE captain: "Yes, that would be most excellent. Thank you kindly." HF captain, talking to others on his bridge: "Ewar support for this alien destroyer."   WIP


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