HF - Phelke First Contact

The Hyperion Federation and Phelke Commonwealth makes first contact.       A Phelke destroyer detects a strange yet large energy signature approaching at FTL speeds. This signature is not consistent with any known ship.   Sensors officer: "Capitain! We have a superluminal energy signature approaching fast! The ship is unknown!" Captain: "Scan it." Sensors officer: "I have already. Nothing." Captain: "Hmm, weapons officer, prepare the weapons." Weapons officer: "Affirimitive, preparing weapons!" Captain: "Where is the ship?" Sensors officer: "Contact is approaching to starboard side!" Captain: "Why would pirates ever engage a miltary destroyer?" Sensors officer: "It cannot possibly be pirates. The energy signature is huge."   37 seconds later:   Sensors officer: "Contact is imminent." The energy source reaches its destination 184 km from the right side of the phelke destroyer. It warps in with a bang, various high frequency particles scattered over space. The screen on the bridge displays a starship unlike anything they have seen before. It is coloured a dark grey, and features several lines of bright, blue coloured lights. The bridge crew reacts to the ship. "What the..." Captain: "Contact that ship." Sensors officer: "It contacted us just as you said that." Captain: "Answer it then." Several beeps come through the communication, before an actual voice comes through. ???: "Phelke ship, do you read?" Phelke Captain: "Yes, we read. Can you identify yourselves?"   ???: "This is T.S. Relativity, science ship of the Hyperion Federation. According to my records, the Phelke kind has yet to observe a Hyperion starship, making this our first contact with your kind and vice versa." The bridges of both sides are silent for a moment. For both sides, this presents a once in a lifetime chance to meet a new alien race in person, for the first time. Both sides are about to experience their childhood dreams they never thought would happen. Unitl the silence is finally broken: Phelke Captain: "How... how do you know about our race?" ???: "We have observed your kind a bit before deciding to make contact with you. We have intercepted enough of your language to decode it." Phelke Captain: "I have.. so many questions. Should we meet in person? I can send a shuttle."   ???: "Shuttle? Why not just teleport?" Phelke Captain: "You what?" ???: "Teleporters. Our Federation equips all their ships with them." Phelke Captain: "But.. that's impossible!" ???: "It is only impossible until it's not. Anyway, shall we begin?" Phelke Captain: "Yes! I want to see what you guys look like!" ???: "You should probably lower your shields. Teleporters don't work through shields. Don't worry, this is a science ship. We are unarmed." Phelke Captain: "Your ship... it is very unlike anything we ha ve seen before. You are not hiding weapons, are you?" ???: "No. Like, scan us if you want." ... Phelke Captain: "Yeah. Scan it." Sensors officer: "Scan found no weapons." Phelke Captain: "Hmm. Lower the shield." Weapons officer: "Yes, lowering shields... And they should be down now." ???: "Ready?" the entire Phelke bridge crew: "Yes!" ??? (to his ships bridge): "Yeah, teleport them." Several seconds later, the Phelke bridge crew are teleported into a strange room in the alien ship. They are in large machines, and then step out shortly after, admiring the clearly very advanced technology of the alien ship. "Wh - What.. is this ship?" They notice that this ship is quieter to be on, better lit and spacious compared to their own ship Suddenly, a figure steps out through a door that just opened. A.. robot? ???: "Greetings, Phelke contact. Us hyperionites are excited to finally met you!" Phelke weapons officer: "Hello... wait, you are a robot! AI is gonna kill us all!" ???: "What?" The Phelke bridge crew draw their weapons, but the robot leaves the room immediately. Phelke Captain: "An AI faction... We must defend ourselves!" ... A different voice comes from behind the door. "I am not a robot! Do not shoot!" The person behinid the door, a Suon, shows his arm before stepping out, catiousally, several guns pointed at him. Phelke Sensors officer: "Who are you? How can we know you aren't a robot? Why are you glowing?" Garesen: "I am Garesen! I am not a robot.." Garesen gets a knife out and cuts himself with it. Bioluminescent blood dripping to the floor. He does this to prove he is not a robot. Garesen: "Ow!" The Phelke delegation looks at each other for a moment. "You do realise that the AI will eventually try to kill you all, right?" Garesen: "No. It does that when you treat it worse than your own race. But our robots are seen as actual people in our culture. Oww.." Phelke weapon officer: "Are you alright?" Garesen: "Yes, its just... deeper than i thought it would be." Weapon officer: "Seriously though.. why are you glowing?" Garesen: "That.. is just how my body is. All suons glow like I do." Phelke captain: "Suon?" Garesen: "My species. Our blood tends to glow like this." Phelke captain: "That is... really wierd." Garesen: "A lot of people think that. Speaking of, I think you should see some of our other races. Come, follow me." The phelke group follows Garesen, as instructed. Holstering their weapons. The single suon leaving behind small drops of blood.   Garesen: "Oh hey, we have a Saelian here. Hey, saelian?" the saelian turns around and finds a suon standing in front of him along with a group of some alien species he has never seen before saelian: "What? Oh, a suon." The saelian looks at the group behinf Garesen "Who are they? Oh, our mission?" Garesen: "Yes." Phelke captain: "So.. Is this a faction of multiple species? How many are there?" Garesen: "Yes! And the federation encompasses a lot... like, the entirety of the Odyros galaxy." Phelke captain: "And where would that be?" At this point the Phelke captain is distracted by the strange alien's blood Garesen stood there for a moment, partly to think and partly to watch the aliens stare at his blood "I don't know. I don't have a universe map. Someone would, though." Some more people arrive through a door A Trevan, Drath, Yunkad and a Rih'kiel. Garesen: "That is our bridge crew. They probably came down to talk to you." Phelke weapon officer: "Wow. You guys are certainly a diverse bunch." The Rih'kiel: "Welcome to our ship!" Phelke senosrs officer: "Thank you, it is exciting to be the first of my kind to ever see yours." The Trevan: "We are the bridge crew. You have heard us through the comms." Phelke captain: "That was you was it?" The Trevan: "Yes." Phelke captain: "Well, good to meet you." The Trevan: "Likewise. This moment makes history, surely." Phelke captain: "Indeed. Now.."   The phelke turns to Garesen Phelke captain: "May I?" Garesen: "What?" Phelke captain: "You'll see." The phelke grabs Garesen by his arm Garesen: "What are yo-"   And in an instant, Garesen finds himself... looking at himself? He looks around in confusion and quickly realizes he is now where the phelke captain was. He then realizes his skin... it was entirely different. He was no longer bioluminescent, he is no longer a suon.. Has he swapped bodies with the phelke?   Garesen (in the phelke captain's body): "Wh- W- H- I-" A million questions went through his head in a very short time. No, this can't be possible, he has to be dreaming. He fell over. No one else had any idea what was happening, except for the phelke crew. They looked in confusion. What did this alien do to himself? Garesen, slowly but finally getting used to his new form, tried standing up, but his body feels so different. He immediately falls back down. Meanwhile, the phelke in Garesen's body is moving his muscles, seemingly testing them, testing how far each joint can pivot, as the phelke got used to his new body. One of the other phelke decides to help Garesen back onto his feet. Garesen is actively trying to adjust to this alien body, with a completely diferent build.   Garesen (in the phelke captain's body): "What d-" He realises that his new body has entirely different vocal organs. This makes it hard to talk. Garesen (in the phelke captain's body): "What did you.... Can you bring me back?" This question onlay raised more confusion among observers, especially seeing the phelke now had an acent somewhat similar to Garesen, almost as if he tried to copy the suon's accent. phelke captain (in Garesen's body): "You can go back into your body - but don't you want to spend more time in that form?" This response was a huge clue for the observers. Many of them figured it out - the new alien swapped bodies with the suon! Garesen (in the phelke captain's body): "No, please bring me back!" phelke captain (in Garesen's body): "Aww, that was fun but fair enough. Now itis you that will have to make that transition now, as this body swpping thing is a trait seemingly exclusive to the physiology of my race. Ow this cut hurts." Garesen (in the phelke captain's body): "How?" phelke captain (in Garesen's body): "You'll have to grab my arm first. Then see if you can see.. my soul. And then try to take it." Garesen, confused and dazed, and wanting to be back in his body, immediately grabbed his hand in hopes to see what this alien was talking about. It would take a few moments, but he did find the 'soul' in question, and caused both parties to return to their original bodies.   Garesen would feel pain from his wound again, but otherwise happy to be back in a more familiar body.


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