Imperial Vanguard

Special forces unit of the Grand Artanat Empire.   The Imperial Vanguard are a special force of extremely disciplined soldiers who protect various very important individuals from rebels and external threats. They are entrusted with the most advanced weaponry and technology that the GAE can offer - though that still doesnt rival HF armour - but they make up for it with sheer skill, and the fact there are typically about 20 around for some individuals. The emperor typically gets about 40 protecting him/her, at all times.   However, the instantly recognizable nature of their gear can reveal the location of such important persons. This means the GAE gave them Cloaking Devices, a technology the GAE normally does not have access to. But even these presented their own problems - if they break, they can be extremely costly to replace or repair. They were also notably less reliable than cloaking devices of other factions, so Imperial Vanguards are always trained to not rely on them excessively. They also dont render the wearer entirely invisible - photons can still refract through their body and cause small, moving shimmers. Finally, they require power to operate and so cant be used forever.   Still, the Imperial Vanguard force is publicly widely known - but for counterespionage reasons a lot of information about them is classified. This can make them highly powerful propaganda weapons, especially because of this unknown factor. Furthermore, Imperial Vanguards are always the same species as the individual they protect. This tradition became existent due to an effect where all the escorts could die if the VIP enters an environment that only his own species can survive easily in (which has happened more than once). Although the GAE now takes more care with them, this tradition remains to give the group more mobile versatility. This way, they also know the escorts are capable of the same movements that the VIP is capable of (e.g. clinging to high objects like an Ukztlakat).
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Aug 19, 2024 21:35 by Marjorie Ariel

I like the details about the potential issues that the GAE has had to work out, like realizing their escorts needed to be the same species as the person they're protecting, and the problems with cloaking devices.

Aug 20, 2024 07:23

Thank you for the kind words! And yes... idk what else to say, thanks for visiting

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