IX-28 Rotary Chaingun

A small, 5mm, 6 barrel rotating chaingun (minigun) used by the Hyperion Federation.   The IX-28 is an infantry portable weapon designed to be used with 1 person. Although most species are not strong enough to lift it, it is designed to be used with a H-37 Cyber Suit which gives the user enough strength to lift it. Although the weapon has an extremely large recoil due to its sheer fire rate, it can still be used as long as the user has the cyber suit, and the user crouches into a specific position that allows the cybersuit to take the recoil force.   It has an incredibly strong firepower, able to hit a large amount of infantry and can perform a suppression role extremely well. Especially when used in large enough numbers, they can deny enemy infantry from accessing any location near their range. The bullets will merely bounce off anything stronger than light armour though. It is fed by multiple, large drum magazines (when one is emptied the weapon switches to a different magazine). It is notoriously difficult to reload, especially since each drum is very large.   The weapon makes use of the extremely dense properties of QCD matter to fire its rounds. It works by causing resonance in a known length of QCD matter. The standing wave is sometimes cut and the energy and momentum placed into a bullet which causes it to fly. While it rotates the barrel to cycle a new bullet, the extremely high speed of sound through QCD matter means that it can re-accumulate the energy required to fire the next bullet in the extremely short timespan it takes to cycle. This way, bullets do not need to come with casings or any propellant, which allows the abilty to place far more rounds into the drum than conventional propellant weapons can achieve. Instead, it requires a large amount of energy which is fed to the weapon from powerful capacitors embedded in the drums. This takes up less room than propellant for every bullet would.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged


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