K-294 Cyber Suit

A Cybersuit similar to the H-37 Cyber Suit, used by the Hyperion Federation miltary.   The K-294 varies significantly from the H-37 in that it is designed for one race in particular - the Kloxins, who are capable of shapeshifting, and changing the sape of their own body. The H-37 is designed to fit in almost every race, but cannot adjust rapidly enough and to the extent to allow a Kloxin to make full use of their shapeshifting abiliity on the battlefield.   The K-294 is thus built in with a large number of Replicator nanobots. These can make the suit deform much faster, allowing the user to make full use of his shapeshifting abilty. They can also be used to speed up the effect of the shapeshifting ability, which provides powerful utility to HF commanders on the battlefield and allows some strange strategies.   Like the H-37, however, it is designed to allow the user to easily lift heavy weights or generallt enhance their cobat capability.
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