LU-73 Cluster Munitions Launcher

Very large handheld rocket launcher of the Hyperion Federation.   The LU-73 Cluster Munitions Launcher is normally far too heavy for most species to carry. Due to this, it is designed to be wielded with a H-37 Cyber Suit which takes most of the weight of the weapon and allows it to quickly respond to situations. The launcher is primarily comprised of a single large tube that launches a single rocket. This rocket is designed to explode with a powerful shockwave, but the real meat lies in its cluster bombs that it releases on detonation. These can spread over a wide area, about 30 metres in radius, causing a large number of secondary explosions. Although these will not often damage heavy armour, it can annihilate large squads of infantry or even vehicles. However, this can also often be a weakness as the cluster munitions do not distinguish between friend or foe... or the one who launched it. This can make the weapon dangerous even outside of combat situations. Due to this, it is not very commonly used. Also, it almost entirely lacks recoil, so it can be easily used on the moveunlike weapns of a similar size.   Despite the very large size of the rockets that it fires, they can fly at high velocity and have almost no recoil. The rocket engine is a highly powerful antimatter annihilation thruster, designed to work in atmosphere. The extremely large energy density of antimatter fuel means that the rocket needs to pack little fuel to fly at long range and high speed. This means that the payload can be large. Through the center of this shaft is a very small, long and weak nuclear warhead that explodes in all directions and designed to cause a strong pressure wave. Surrounding that are thousands of extremely small fragments of hardlight. These fragments become unstable under the extemely powerful force of the nuke and gain a very short halflife as they ricochet around any nearby objects. After this halflife, they release the small quark-gluon plasma micro paylods, which almost all simultaneously undergo micro-big bangs. This causes a huge deal of sound and a large shockwave, and as such is an extremely powerful psychological warfare weapon.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Owning Organization


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