
A tank of the Ooblar nation. This was designed for use during the mid-late Tebburus Unification War, and is largely obsolete by current standards. It was very powerful for it's time however and had a significant influence on tank design during the information era.   It featured very well-sloped armour that gave it a small profile and often deflected incomming rounds. This was also the first ever tank built using a form of highly advanced tank armour, called Chobam (the suons themselves would call it something different). Lined with layers of various materials to counter many kinds of weapons.   It also uses a larger and more fuel hungry diesel engine, capable of moving the 80 ton tank at 70 km/h.    Its primary weapon, a 142mm smoothbore cannon, is aimed by a computer called a fire control system. This weapon has a surprisingly high fire rate as its autoloader can load the weapon even while the turret is turned. This autoloader also rapidly loads the weapon.
Owning Organization


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