Mimic Bug

A type of symbiotic parasite often used by the Hyperion Federation to replace organ function in case of organ damage.   A mimic bug is capable of performing almost any biological process on a scale large enough to rival the output of much larger organisms. If a person's organ is damaged, the federation will often replace it with one or more of these.   They do however have to take energy from the host, drinking its blood. Mimic bugs also have a strong carapace, which is often significantly stronger than the organ itself. This material is however also much heavier than most tissue.   The bugs reproduce asexually by laying eggs into whatever material its output is. For example if used to replace a human kidney, they will lay eggs into urine. They can be used to replace a heart, however, will eventually end up clogging the blood stream so the eggs must be extracted manually or by using a modified kidney. Furthermore, the bug cannot replace the function of the brain or lung or their equivalents. It also cannot replace a larger system such as the nervous system.   The federation then sometimes collects these eggs and grows them into more bugs to use on other patients.   The use of large numbers of these can significantly strengthen ones body so they are sometimes used in large numbers on soldiers. Although the carapace still isnt nearly strong enough to stop a modern bullet, the strong carapace can still often help significantly especially when used in large numbers.


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