Noble Steel

White metallic material used commonly by the Grand Artanat Empire.   Noble steel has been named such because it is reminiscent of noble gases, elements that are extremely unreactive. Noble steel is similarly unreactive while retaining a large strength, making it a useful, but cheap material that cannot be corroded without an extremely concentrated acid or base or other conditions difficult to create outside a lab. Noble steel, famously, cannot be painted because the paint cant bond to it and falls off after hardening. To distinguish their assets from others, they have to engrave symbols or words into the noble steel.   It is also not strong enough to withstand powerful weapon blasts, it is primarily used as a construction material in various adverse conditions or in the Grand Artanat Empire equivalent of cultural time capsules and in various other uses. It can also be formed into highly reliable weapon or machine parts. It is also an ineffective Ukztlakat beam grabbing material because of its low friction coefficient making it relatively slippery, but it lasts longer than other materials for that same purpose so some older starships would still have noble steel as a bar grabbing material.   Noble steel takes up a mostly white colouration and is typically highly reflective as well depending on how it was manufactured. Some highly reflective forms of noble steel are sometimes used in armour despite its strength to help defend against photon weapons such as lasers or photon cannons, which also gives it a higher corrosion resistance as well.


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