O' Neil Cylinders

Large stations used by many factions.   As an alternative to energy-intensive Graviton Wave Refraction, it is possible to construct a large, hollow cylinder structure and make it spin rapidly. The interior of this cylinder will gain a strong centrifugal 'spin gravity' force, similar to a ring world but elongated massively and closed off at both ends. At one end there is typically a powerful, rotating light. This rotates at a slightly different rate than the rest of the cylinder so that it has a rotational period of about 24 hours relative to the main cylinder. This can produce a mostly natural day-night cycle. O' niel cylinders can have populations in the millions.   The Tranal Nomads can have quique variants of these - mobile cylinders. Although Banfranal cannot survive in gravity, they can easily house other species in these structures. Their worldships often have large cylinder compartments.


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