Pauli Exclusion Violation Machine PEVM

Technology commonly used by the Xalarin Council.   A PEVM (Pauli Exclusion Violation Machine) allows the placement of multiple objects in the same space by placing them in higher dimensions. This was largely inspired by Subspatial Starship technology and involves a Teleporter-like machine to transport crew between the different 'layers'. This way, it does not really violate the Pauli exclusion principle, making the term a misnomer.   It does, however, still retain the cost of building each object individually and it is limited by the amount of energy one can feed it. Without an extremely massive energy supply, it is impossible to construct a ship with millions of layers as the energy requirement becomes immense. This requires exponentially more energy as density increases. It may be easier to construct a ship with 3-4 layers, which can increase the effective mass of a ship while also providing it with more crew space, multiple generators, a larger number of RCS thrusters and so on.The XC has become masters of using this technology inside and outside of battle. It allows the construction of more compact, more maneuverable ships as more of the ships mass is located closer to the center of mass which reduces the rotational inertia of the ship. This can also reduce the torque of the RCS thrusters as they are built at shorter radii due to the more compact nature of the ship, but no other faction has the capability to manipulate subspace in this way, this easily.


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