Plasma Disruptor

A type of highly unethical small arms weapon used by the Purity of the Stars.   It is about the size of a large rifle and has a slow fire rate; it must be fed with matter after every shot. Additionally, the energy requirement is large.   A Plasma Disruptor is designed to create very powerful electromagnetic fields where it lands. This destroys delicate equipment and in some cases even a biological electrical nervous system present in some species. As such, it is highly likely to kill several organic or mechanical soldiers in a large radius.   Use of these weapons is likely to create chaos in the target vehicle when hit. Shuold the crew of the vehicle survive after being hit, they will most likely scramble to escape or repair the vehicle.The Hyperion Federation does not use Plasma Disruptors in ordinary circumstances because of its potential to kill many sentient beings simultaneously. HF doctrine largely prefers to kill the lowest number of enemy combatants as possible while still being victorious.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged


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