Portal Trooper

Elite special forces unit used by the Hyperion Federation. Trained from the very beginning of their careers to exploit their special weapon as much as physically possible. Their portal gun. It can be used very rapidly without needing to get out a sidearm because the 'gun' is wrist mounted.   Due to the complexity of their special quirk, military operations involving them can become much more complicated. Thus portal troopers are trained extremely brutally, but one must also be very smart to be a successful portal trooper.   They come in 4 subranks: Ultra, Master, Ace, Apprentice. Ranks with the exception of Apprentice are determined by scores in Virtual Universe simulations compared to everyone elses scores. Apprentice portal troopers must serve for several years and be roughly equal to an Ace in skill before being promoted to Ace. Ultra - top 1% Master - top 10%   The portals have a limited quantity of energy. Without this limitation, it would be possible to create infinite energy under a gravitational field as an object falls for eternity through a portal in the roof and the fleer underneath. With each pass, the portal transfers a quantity of energy to the object passing through, explaining how they follow the law of conservation of energy. However, a portal troopers portal gun is designed to unload a large quantity of energy into their portals, meaning a portal trooper can attain a large momentum to fling themselves using portals.


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