Quantum Computing Device

Very advanced devices designed for processing and storing of information used by the Hyperion Federation.   By exploiting a multitude of properties of quantum particles, such as entanglement and wavefunction interference, the HF can process information at extremely high speed. Additionally, the HF used tachyons in quantum computers, allowing them to process much more information in an extremely short time as tachyons are superluminal. More powerful quantum computers are also sometimes effected by time dilation due to the use of extremely precise graviton wave refraction.   Additionally, the information they are designed to store will never decay. This is because HF storage units store information on spacetime crystals, an exotic state of matter that does not decay under entropy. By using QENs, the entropy of this system can be massively reduced. The HF can store qubits in multiple states of single quanta, further compounding the capability of the system.   More advanced storage units are even more advanced. These are supercooled using QEN, which causes every atom in the system to freeze in almost perfect positions. This causes the entire system to take a bose-einstein condensate state of matter. Using this sort of storage, the HF is capable of filling the entire space with various quanta and leaving no gaps (similar to QCD matter).


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