Quark MBT

A main battle tank of the Hyperion Federation.   The Quark is one of the main rivals to the Revenant MBT, the primary tank of the HF. It differs mostly by its use of tracks rather than hover pads. This gives the tank a slightly lower profile but restricting use in many terrains where the Revenant would perform excellently.   However, as less internal volume is taken by the main engine (rather than having hover drives), it is allowed to pack more matter plasma or antimatter. This allows it to operate for longer or to use energy and matter more intensely. The Quark has been known to operate for months on end without needing a refuel thanks to its ZPE. Due to having constant contact with the ground, it can take matter from the ground and use it as matter plasma. This operation requires a lot of energy because metal elements are often uncommon in the ground.   As such, though it can operate for very long times without a resupply, it needs to power down occasionally to charge energy.   Like the Revenant, the Quark allows use of High Energy Turret Hardpoints allowing the miltary to use any common turret design.
Owning Organization


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