Salvation Division

A large organization in Hyperion Federation society that is focused around collecting war refugees who may otherwise end up dead in space.   The Salvation Division is a large organization that owns billions of starships, but only few are armed. These starships are equipped with powerful tachyon radars to pick up small objects potentially lightyears away. These can also detect some faction military ships and thus can also provide some form of early warning for the military. This is not the primary role of the organization. Over the years, it has obtained a rescue count of multiple trillion people from all corners of the Fortrais Galaxy Cluster; the Cypher Dominion, HEX Mainframe, Sulethis Republic and even from the Arcturus galaxy and Fracture. They are well known primarily across the HF but also through the entire Cluster, bringing many refugee ships back towards the HF, many of which are rescued. Unless a refugee ship itself is sentient, the HF will typically dismantle it while attempting to learn new technologies from such ships which isnt always successful. In the very rare case it is, the HF will then rescue and repair the ship itself too.   Many starship crews who did not make it to the HF military sometimes come to the Salvation Division for a job. Although the standards are lower than those of the military, their crews are still quite highly respected for their kinship. Compared to most factions, though, the skill standards are still quite high so for many who are not accepted into the Division, it will allow them to train and reapply.   Due to the Salvation Division, the HF has a small population of Anagons, who are sent to various neutron stars around HF territory. They are still trying to get Hyperion technology to work under these extreme conditions.
Civil Services


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