Soul Liquifier

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Machine used by the Accuilax Purifiers to infuse Soulsteel.   Although the Soul Liquifier initially saw heavy controversy following its introduction, the xenophobic nature of the AP eventually overwhelmed this. The starship crews of AP ships never stopped to realize the proportions of what they were doing to these people, who would suffer a fate much worse than death. Every other faction would immediately ban such technology, even the HEX Mainframe, Hyperion Empire and Cypher Dominion  Sometimes, these are even used on other Accuilax. On the rare occasion when a rebel uprising occurs, these are used to strengthen the strength of soulsteel, which helps the AP in their endless efforts of conquest. Some rebel groups try using liquifiers themselves to melt AP-loyal accuilax, which results in their armour being extremely strong as almost all accuilax are AP-loyal. These sorts of rebels are much more difficult to defeat, sometimes leaders of such groups would wear body armour of soulsteel of several thousand souls. This results in a material so strong that even Hyperion Federation weapons can have immense difficulty penetrating it. The AP sometimes fires immense, highly dense rods form orbit at them. These strike the target with extreme force and sometimes reach the mantle.   The process of being liquified by such machines is incredibly painful, but no one in universe knows (other than those that went through it, but they are practically dead at that point). The feeling of having ones soul in soulsteel is arguably worse as it is much longer lasting, but in the short term is not as painful as being liquified. Sometimes, souls inside soulsteel might communicate, though this takes much effort.


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