
Large, non-sapient species native to Ovora TX6, the Drimax homeworld.   Ovora TX6 would not seem to be a planet that would evolve such a large, let alone tall, creature. Striders can extend up to just over 20 m in height, and the large, saucer-like body is approximately 3 m in diameter. This is supported by 3 very tall, skinny legs. This seems to go in almost perfect contradiction to the environment of this world; its large, flat nature favors shorter creatures as they can more easily hide from predators (and so that predators themselves arent seen as easily). There is also less life on this world than on most, which favors small organisms.   This makes these striders an anomaly of the world, though the drimax use them commonly due to the sheer speed. Some theories suggest that striders were an engineered species by some precursor race long ago. However, no precursor archaeotech has been found on world. It could also be possible that striders somehow left the planet they evolved on and travelled through space to Ovora TX6. There is a little evidence supporting this, as skeletons of similar creatures are found on some known previously habitable worlds in the galaxy.
Geographic Distribution


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