
Subterenes are vehicles capable of travelling underground.   Because the underground in most planets can get extremely hot, it can become extremely difficult to travel underground. Another issue is the sheer pressure from above which is significantly greater than that from water. Both of these create a requirement for a 'crush depth' variable that the sub was rated for. Automated routines will attempt to keep the vehicle above this crush depth.   Furthermore, as deep rock can get extremely dense and strong, it is very difficult to move a subterrene through it. To soften the ground in front of it, the vehicle sometimes deploys a very large and powerful plasma beam to the front which melts the rock (turning it into magma) and allows the vehicle to move past it. Others can take up strange shapes, attempts at making it easier to cut through the rock.   They also have various different methods of propulsion. Many have wheels on the sides to drive through the walls of the tunnel it digs itself. Others are proelled by photon drives or other propulsion unit.
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