Superluminal Acceleration Warp Drive

The most common form of superluminal travel used by the Hyperion Federation.   The device works by exploiting Gravitational Wave Refraction to massively compres space in front of the craft while expanding space behind the craft. Although it acts similar to an Alcubierre drive, it does not require a significant negative mass input. Instead, it requires a very large amount of energy as it refracts gravitational waves.   To assist with navigation at superluminal velocities, all HF starships also largely increase the intensity of their tachyon radars. This can easily be detected by most ships that may be near the destination. However, as it is an extremely fast and efficient method of superluminal travel, HF forces can often reposition faster than those of other factions. This allows them to better utilise their forces and reduce the HF numbers disadvantage.   This form of warp drive requires a very large enery input, typically totaling to several kilograms of antimatter worth of energy. This causes the warp drive to heat up to immense temperatures. Although it is constantly cooled by very powerful QEN heat vents, the warp drive itself can still easily achieve several thousand kelvin. The crew are always evacuated from the warp drive before use. After warp, it will cool itself down slowly. At this point, the energy signature emitted by the very hot warp drive is very powerful but reduces significantly as it cools.


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