Superposition Influencer

A very advanced technology of the Hyperion Federation, Cypher Dominion, HEX Mainframe and several other factions.   The Superposition Influencer is, notably, a key technology behind the creation of QENs. This technology is what allows the Hyperion Federation to influence wavefunctions which ultaimtely allows them to destroy entropy. Other factions can utilize a similar machine however, but to a lesser extent. This technology also opens the possibility of Teleportation through quantum tunelling rather than breaking down the original object into photons, but even the HF has not mastered this type of teleportation yet. It is a Φ-Energy Technology. With enough energy, it can influence the wavefunctions of entire starships allowing them to teleport themselves short distances through space which opens up many possibilities for evasion and many doctrines. Currently, they are primarily used for manipulation of quanta by most factions. This would also make it very easy to create fusion reactors as fusion depends on quantum tunelling, and would make a sort of cold fusion reactor easy to build.

Cover image: Atmospheric Frigate by Tankium


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