Taidakic Field Floatation Device TFFD

A technology used to achieve flight, but is only usable on planets with a Taidakic Field  The Taidakic Field Floatation Device is a large strap that goes around one's body, capable of floating on the nearby Taidakic Field using kaidatons, which causes a significant upforce. As they can create or release kaidatons on demand, they can allow one to move and change altitude. Air Suons and Drath can already fly in these conditions, so they are unlikely to wear it. This allows other species to fly in a similar way. They would however be harder to control than having a natural ability to fly, resulting in less stability, so although natural methods proved superior, these would still be very useful for moving forces between some locations, such as up or down walls and over rivers.   They can also come in many shapes and sizes to accommodate a wide range of individuals and species. The device can also release all kaidatons as it shuts down, providing the wearer the ability to land. This technology has, however, been known to cause a few deaths and injuries, particularly with individuals attempting to land but dropping too fast or accidentally shutting down. More recent ones have measures in place against these accidents, such as the inability to shut down while in flight and an automated landing procedure. Measures such as these have reduced the risk of injury significantly, but some dangers are still present such as EMP or lightning strikes during flight.


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